No. We have agreed to disagree and won't discuss the topic. I have agreed not to attack their beliefs (in their presence) and they have agreed to not attack my beliefs. It works well for us. I have been out over 8 years and my relationship with my family is still intact.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Does your family still think you are coming back?
by kid-A inhope springs eternal in the wts.
despite having left before even being baptized, i would have to say my parents still wholeheartedly believe i will someday come around, .
get baptized, become active and maybe even become an elder !
Ever feel embarrassed when buying condoms?
by tsunami_rid3r in.
i dont know if i could do it, it'd almost be like buying tampons.
just fine
Only bought them twice. Once my first "worldy" friend took me to Target to help me buy some. It was embarrassing but not as bad as the second. The second time my now husband was coming back from a military assignment and I went to the grocery store on the way to the airport. I thought I would be slick and go to the self checkout (where there are no checkers, you just scan the items and put it in the bag yourself.) When I scanned the condoms, it set the aisle light flashing - signaling I needed help. I nearly died of embarassment that time, I didnt even buy anything else to sandwhich it with because I didnt count on the needing the clerks help .
Your scariest or funniest 'out in service' stories!
by out of the box inhere goes my stories: .
she looked up at all those stairs to the third floor!
she said she would do the first floor.
just fine
Let me preface this by saying that I have a fear of grasshoppers, no other bugs just them. I was working unassigned territotiry and we were at a farm in the middle of nowhere. The "sister" I was with was talking to a farmer in his mid 40's and having a fairly nice conversation when a grasshopper flew down the front of my dress. I started screaming and flapping my dress up and down trying to get the grasshopper out, but it appeared to be stuck in my bra. At first the farmer was startled but then as I ran around the lawn trying to get it out of my dress he started laughing, then she started laughing, and by the time the grasshopper flew out of my dress we were all in tears. Stupid brother in the car tried to counsel me about my actions at the door bringing reproach on Jehovah.
The End...of Preston?
by Preston inwell... (dot, dot, dot) kinda.
i just started a new job and i won't be able to post as much as i use to too.
and... (dot, dot, dot) i'm starting a new business soon seling automotive decorations online.
just fine
You will be missed Preston!! So sorry about your partner. Hope you keep in touch.
Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT?
by ljwtiamb inalthough, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
just fine
IMHO I would take care of yourself first. Make sure you are ok, it takes time and a variety of emotions to leave a mind controlling cult in the first place. Then in the future you can decide if its a battle you want to fight. For me, once I left and started my new (and exciting) life I never felt the need to go back and fight.
If You See A JW or An Elder, Do You Try To Avoid Them?
by minimus inwhen i was in a drugstore a couple of months ago, i saw the presiding overseer in the other aisle with his wife.
i saw them and made a conscious decision to leave.
what would you have done in a similar situation??
just fine
No! I will never hide from anyone. I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Life rushes in........
by purplesofa inand is overwhelming.. when you were getting out of the org, and coming alive to life, was it overwhelming?
and how did you fineally get grounded again.. i will be gone today, but am interested in your i am just dealing with it.. love, .
just fine
For me Jack (daniels), Jim (beam) and Johnny (walker) were the first ones to help me throught the initial onslought of fear and grief of leaving. One day I woke up and I wasn't afraid or sad anymore. Jack, Jim, Johnny and I parted ways a long time ago now. I made new friends and developed new interests. I went back to school, got married, moved to a new place. In the begining it was overwhelming because I had made a decision I wasn't sure of (not to go to the kh anymore). Once I resolved within myself that I had made the right decision, life stopped being overwhelming. I made a vow to myself back then that I would never let anyone or anything have that kind of control over me again. Today, 7 years out, I am at peace. I love my life, I love my husband, I love my job. I learned no one has to agree with me (as long as I agree with myself :-) and I can disagree with others. My friends are not conditional, we can have differing opinions and voice them and remain friends. My story is a little different than most here, my family doesn't shun me they embrace me. I respect their beliefs and do not criticize there choices. In return they respect my beliefs and do not berate me or badger me about returning. I love being able to love other people unconditionally (esp my family), being able to help others in the community in tangeable ways. Life is good.............
Please help......I am going to the Memorial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by whyamihere ini am going to the memorial because i am still confused and stressed and discombobulated on the jw issue.
i know in my heart it is "not" the truth.
my family keeps stopping by unannouced and seeing if i am going.
just fine
I am going too. It gets easier with time, its really not a big deal. Just view it as anything else, a wedding, a funeral, or easter services at the church. Everyone does things to make their family happy, it doesn't mean you have to believe it. Good luck!!!
by myelaine inthe new mag doesn't proclaim itself as the watchtower and it has no date on the front.
i think it could get lost in the pile of newspapers and fliers at my house.
any thoughts on the new look?
just fine
Its just a supplement not an actual watchtower.
Is Your Lifestyle So Much Different Since You Left The Organization?
by minimus indo you see a difference in the way you live now that your out of the "truth"?
more materialistic?
more "worldly"?
just fine
I am at peace. My life now is good, but it was good in the org too, except I was never at peace with myself or the teachings. I'm married to a great guy(non-jw), have a new house, drive new cars, have a job I Iove and am at peace. Theres no longer the constant fear of Armageddon, having others from the hall cut you up to make themselves feel better, and no pressure to do anything I don't want to do. I no longer have to look for the bad in people, but choose to see the good in others and myself. It is a much more peaceful existance than before and I am grateful to finally be at peace.